Friday, October 6, 2017

Power vs Force

I am inspired by Nelson Mandela. When I am having a challenging moment, I think of the choice he made to not hold anger and resentment when he was released from a 27 year imprisonment for his beliefs in ending apartheid. Through his work he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. This from my perspective,  I feel safe to say many peoples perspective, is a representation of deep power within.

He embodied this power so much so that even Trevor Noah, the South African comedian, takes on his character and speech to convey this persona in his skits. 

In looking at this subject power vs force, I was first turned onto this polarity from David R. Hawkins book by the same title. It is book of consciousness in Human Behavior, more specifically around how the body responds via kinesiology through these two very different energies. Check out this link here to give you a brief and fun synopses of his book

What I like about this from a Somatics ( Body) perspective is that it reminds me of the pull between the Mind and the Body. In my years of working with clients and even my own personal journey, I see this place of moving back and forth between these poles of forcing something or being able to trust the stillness and presence in how to proceed. This back and forth action is crazy making at times to put it lightly.

So how do we move past this...not all of us have the mastery and deep well of spirit as Nelson Mandela...or do we?

I believe that we are now in a "waking up" period in our human consciousness, as the video suggests, we are beginning to know how to use both of these skills to move towards a result. 

If we look at changing a habit from this perspective of force, it is usually from a place of Mental demand to 'stop' the habit at once. To offer a solution of absolute. However, if we take this conviction and merge it with the steps it takes to get to a place of this clear choice to put it down... it usually requires a slowing down to find that inner stillness or knowing to make the changes. This slowing down takes place from the Body knowing all the pieces that feel "too much" to process in why we use the habit in the first place. This inclusion of using the Body and the Mind to integrate the discipline and the emotionality of sensations that all make up this process of change is the essence of power to me. The force is the place where we make the demand..but forget the layers that created the position..habit..etc. in the first place. This power within comes when we see all these pieces yet make a choice to let go of the habbit and make a different choice..just like Mandela did.

In my up coming seminar on October 14th from 10am to 12 noon at Centered, we will be working with these energies inside. The clearer our own energy is known, how we force, the clearer we are to know how to move from power. Thus creating self agency and trust in ones knowing.

This empowered experience then begins to build the life that one truly wants to be living from. In Kundalini Yoga we call this moving from our naval center. This place our life force is felt and mastered to move this vitality through the Body to Still the Mind. 



Creates deep connection to living our Dharma..or put it in another allows us to live a more purposeful life rather than cleaning up messes all the time. 

And I don't know about you, but this sounds like a good strategy for a more joyful existence.

More of this please...

Hope to see some of you at the workshop, if not then, some time soon.

May we all continue to find more peace within our Hearts and Minds, Padma

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