I struggle and resist stopping to feel. I witness my Mind offering all the excuses to not come into my Body. I find the inner parent that knows it is time to empty. I see a picture in my MInd's eye of a young child resisting to go to sleep, so intoxicated by the Mental world of the doing outside of Self.
And then it happens...I let go and come into my flesh and bones. I let gravity take away my effort of holding myself up. I feel the pull of my Earth Mother holding me.
It is time to stop...
All of it...
It is time to Breath into the Body, to feel the sensations that are undefined and undigested.
It is time to define them, take the experiences that are worthy to take note of and let go of the rest. To become unattached to not just the Mental scripts but the Body ones as well.
The Body holds, the Nervous System protects ...hand in hand with the Mental. Do you now this?
If we are to make clearer choices, if we are, each of us, to believe that we are all in this together, then it is time we come into ourselves. We must come HOME to where our Soul lives.
Staying rooted in the Body is not an easy task. There are many moments of pain and suffering that then swings to joy and exhilaration. Yet, if we know that both exist are we able to just watch? To observe without a judgment to what side of the pendulum we are on?
I write this today my friends as a reminder to keep choosing to come home. To remember that taking the time to release and let life flow is helping in building the capacity to be rooted deeply in the Body. This ability to hold both, the rooted and the allowing, it is not one or the other...but both.
The Body holds the Soul into this Earthly reality. If we stay only locked in the Mental we will move faster than the Nervous System can release. When we come into the Body we are able to feel where the gripping and fear lives.It is in this feeling that we release. We can orient to what is hapening NOW. We become aware of the difference between the future, the past and then what is happening in the MOMENT.
We can then let it go. We get to CHOOSE. YET if we stay only in the Mind we will not get this opportunity. We will stay in the process of 'Fixing' and 'Figuring it OUT'.
Today my friends, will you look to the Earth Mother and watch as she lets the water run by, yet her roots are connected.
May you hold this beautiful symbol so easily offered by this picture and many other examples expressed by Gaia, Pancha Mama, Mother Earth.
May you inhabit and become deeply rooted in your Earth Suite so that you have CLARITY to navigate through the storms. To let in the light. Do you see the roots in the picture? What do YOUR roots look like?
It is time. Time to take this pause in the NOW and find YOUR roots. My pray for each of you, myself and my loved ones is that we all continue to have the courage to SLOW DOWN enough to take ownership of the life we have been given. To listen to the BODY first and then bring in the Mental.
Thank you for reading my offering.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
Love Padma
Thank you for this post. Was just having my first cup of coffee and not yet woken up. Reading your post connected me to what matters. Your words convey the energy of what you're speaking from, me feels.
ReplyDeleteThe 7th paragraph under the pic was confusing. Thinking a word might be missing in the last sentence.
Thanks for your feedback! Blessings and grateful you connected to what matters for you!